Contact Us
Direct comments, complaints, suggestions to your garbage can. This zine has been defunct for over a decade; we will not be reading your emails.
Who We Were
AntiCraft Staff
Zabet Stewart
Wearer of the Funny Hat of Responsibility
Anthony Ascione
Seamstry, Knit, & Pan-Craftia Editor
Don of the Crafting Mafia
Edith Helbert
Crochet, Knit, & Pan-Craftia Editor
Professional Nitpicker
Rebecca Garcia
Crochet & Pan-Craftia Editor
String Theorist
Raellyn Hatter
Cuisine & Pan-Craftia Editor
Reine des Pâtisseries and Mahaguru of Craft
Carin Huber
Crochet & Pan-Craftia Editor
Bean Sidhe of Beads
Janis Neville
Unraveller of Ravelry & Copy Editor
Harbinger of Doom and Sliced Bread
Official Auxiliary
Philip Castlen
Bad Trip Specialist
Helen Apocalypse
Stitch Witch
Sarah Hood
Hat Trick Crafter
Hat Trick Crafter
Erssie Major
Hat Trick Crafter
Matt Rigdon (d.)
Occasional Art Ninja
Renée Rigdon
Former Partner in Crime
Robyn Wade
Hat Trick Crafter
Much love and appreciation to the hardworking editors, who always went above and beyond. Zabet couldn't have done this without them, and we couldn't have done it without our core group of repeat designers. Special thanks to our families, who took quite a bit of shit from us once a quarter. And, of course, thanks to you for coming back each time. We still don't understand why you like us, but we're not going to complain.

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Find us in:
Is the pagan religion taking over America? Miami Alternative Religions Examiner, June 27, 2010
Neatorama, March 12, 2010
Threadbanger, October 16, 2008
Boing Boing, September 24, 2008
The Secrets of Baconhenge, The Bryant Park Project from NPR News, June 20, 2008. Listen to the radio interview here.
The New Knitting: This Is Not Your Grandma's Arts & Crafts,, July 28, 2008. (Oh, how we wish people would stop using that phrase.)
A Mad Tea {Towel} Party at the Nicholas Gallery, Cincinnati, OH, June 11 - July 25, 2008
Punk knitting: Has youth culture gone mad?, The Guardian, June 14, 2008. (Continuing the fun with the man who loves to hate us but can't stop giving us publicity.)
Goth Knit & The AntiCraft,, February 13, 2008.
Knitzkrieg! The axis of needle exists - and they're pissed, Philadelphia Weekly, January 2, 2008. (Another love note from Mr. Wells.)
The Rise of Adolf Knitler: The crochet-fasciests are back, Philadelphia Weekly, January 2, 2008.
BUST, December 2007/January 2008, p. 104
Crafty Book Notes: Prepare for AntiCraft, The Book, BlogHer, November 24, 2007
Boing Boing TV, October 9, 2007
New books from locals dominate literary scene, Cincinnati Enquirer, September 9, 2007 (pdf of article)
The AntiCraft, DIY Life, September 7, 2007
Sew What's New?, Publisher's Weekly, August 13, 2007
Taking it to the Street, the San Diego Union-Tribune, August 12, 2007
The Close-Knit Circle: American Knitters Today by Kerry Willis, p 109-110, April 2007
Pointy Sticks (podcast), Episode 12
Venus, My D.I.Y. Life: Join the dark side of crafting, November 2006
Knit Simple, Holiday 2006, p. 20 (pdf of article)
Craft:, Voume 01, p. 7 (pdf of article)
knitscene, Fall 2006, p. 26 (pdf of article)
The End of Yarn?, Publishers Weekly, August 28, 2006
Extreme Craft, August 3, 2006
Boing Boing, August 2, 2006
Stitch 'n Bitch Page-A-Day Calendar, June 2006 (pdf of page)
Dirty Pop, April/May 2006, p.7 (pdf of article)
BUST, February/March 2006, p. 22 (pdf of article)
Cast-On (podcast) Episode 7, January 13, 2006.
CraftSanity (podcast) Episode 4, February 12, 2006.