Because we can't be contained in a mere one hundred and sixty, yo.

Kindle Swindle

Update 4/7/2010: North Light has contacted us to let us know that Amazon kindleized the book without going through North Light's quality checks. They have requested that Amazon remove the Kindle version until an acceptable version is made, which is in process. In the meanwhile, you can still download the original charts below.

4/1/2010: Oh, you poor sucker. We had no part in that (and get no dollars from it), but we've heard that the charts are terrible-looking and basically unusable. We recommend you inform our publisher, North Light, which is an imprint of F+W Media, at And in the meanwhile, we've made the original charts available to you below. Happy crafting, and sorry for your luck!

Below you'll find downloadable files for every chart in the book. These are not scans from the book! They are the original, clean artwork that was sent to the publisher, so they will print clearly and beautifully. As a bonus, any templates in the book said you needed to enlarge them are presented at 100% scale, so no awkward resizing on a photocopier!



