Double Helix Nebula
image by NASA
Letter from the Editrix
If anyone is interested in what the hell we're doing, this would be the thing to read
(P.S. It updates every issue!)
Project Details
Click here for definitions of difficulty levels.
Boy Scout Burnout
Boy Scout Burnout
Sonic Snowflake
Boy Scout Burnout

Further Crafting
Given the huge upswing in Whovians since the show was picked back up in 2005, there were other snowflakes floating around the web, and some of them were quite good. Here are links to a few of our favorites because we know you'll want to make more. Every snowflake is supposed to be unique, right?
TARDIS and Dalek Snowflakes
by Fanbloomingtastic!
Adipose, Weeping Angel, and "Are You My Mummy?" Snowflakes
by Elizabeth Karrmann