art by Philip Castlen
and Zabet Stewart
Letter from the Editrix
If anyone is interested in what the hell we're doing, this would be the thing to read
(P.S. It updates every issue!)
Project Details
Click here for definitions of difficulty levels.
Gorgeous Goddess
Strong Intermediate
Based on the Nile River Goddess, whose waters would bring the crops to the dry Egyptian land...
Strong Intermediate
A strange item to include in a Spring issue, we know, but if you knit scarves as slowly as we do (we are easily bored), it will be ready when the weather turns in Fall.
Midnight Violets
All Tied Up At the Moment
Tatting, bitches! TATTING!
Creeping Jenny
Strong Intermediate
Which is creepier, Yin or Yang?
Bottle Short of a Six Pack
Nettles are rich in iron and other minerals and vitamins that a winter-starved body must have been craving back in the day before freezers and super markets.
Lady Macbeth
Strong Intermediate
Look like the innocent flower, but be the serpent under't.