art by Raellyn Hatter
Letter from the Editrix
If anyone is interested in what the hell we're doing, this would be the thing to read.
Micro Reviews
Going Straight: A New Generation of Knitted Hats, The Underachiever's Manifesto, The Bad Book, 49 Sensational Skirts: Creative Embellishment Ideas for One-ofa-
kind Designs, and Wire Knits. Feed us prunes and call us regular!
Project Details
Click here for definitions of difficulty levels.
The Elder God
Loose Woman
Cthulhu doesn't knit! He just drives you insane and eats you!
Shoulder Beholder
Scariest Monster in D&D + Amigurumi = Roll 1d20 to Save Yourself
From the Cutest Terror Ever.
Loose Woman
He sighed as he reached for the chainsaw. He would have to get rid of
the evidence.
Stabbity Stab Stab
Strong Intermediate
I know I'm not the only knitter alive who has looked over at those
large wooden needles and felt safe in the knowledge that she is
prepared for a vampire attack.
Flaming Cheese
Rrrrgh . . . . Brains . . . .
We're still not sure if we should be telling you to set something on fire...
Catch His Eye
"Well, Rhonda you've caught my eye..." And you know how painful that
can be.
Surprise#1: Little Mr. Wickett
Is this what Anthony means when he says, "Hello, deadlings"?
Surprise #2: Mr. Edless
Strong Intermediate
I'll write you a pattern you can't refuse.