Fuck Off, I'm Trying to Read
If I have to be interrupted from my reading, at least I can show my displeasure with this naughty little placeholder.
by Edith Cummings
Suggested Listening
"It’s A Pose" Get Away from Me
by Nellie McKay
MoonPrincess RavenDark
Click here for definitions of difficulty levels.
Finished Measurements
Hand: 2.75"/7cm W x 3.75"/8.5cm L
Bookmark Tail: 9"/23cm L, but easily variable
- Knit Picks Merino Style Yarn [100% merino wool; 123yd/112m per 1.76oz/50g skein]
Cinnamon, less than 1/3 skein needed
- 4 prong knitting spool, .75 inch/2cm diameter
- US 3/3.25mm set of 4 or 5 DPNs
- US F/3.75mm crochet hook
- Tapestry needle
Not critical, but sample is knit to 24 sts and 36 rows per 4"/10cm in stockinette stitch.
Design Notes
The fingers are made individually using the knitting spool and the stitches kept live. Then the fingers are lined up on DPNs and the palm is knitted down and the thumb added in the same manner. The live-end yarn tails of all the fingers are stuffed inside the palm when it is closed up, adding just a touch of padding. The fingertip tails are used to sew the fingers into position.
You could also make the fingers out of a 4-stitch i-cord, but I prefer the spool-knitting method because it is avoids a laddered gap on one side.
Thumb (make one)
Using your spool-knitter, knit a cord about 1 inch (2.5 cm) long. Remove from spool-knitter, keeping the 4 stitches live and leaving about a 4 inch (10cm) tail.
Pinky Finger (make one)
Using your spool-knitter, knit a cord about 1.25 inches (3cm) long. Remove from spool-knitter, keeping the 4 stitches live and leaving about a 4 inch (10cm) tail.
Middle Finger (make one)
Using your spool-knitter, knit a cord about 1.75 inches (4.5cm) long. Remove from spool-knitter, keeping the 4 stitches live and leaving about a 4 inch (10cm) tail.
Remaining Fingers (make two)
Using your spool-knitter, knit a cord about 1.5 inches (4cm) long. Remove from spool-knitter, keeping the 4 stitches live and leaving about a 4 inch (10cm) tail.
Set Up for Palm
Place two adjacent sts of the pinky finger onto a DPN. Slide two sts of the ring finger on next, then the middle finger, and finally the pointer finger, 8 sts this needle. Put the remaining 8 sts (2 from each finger) onto a second DPN. Check all 16 stitches to make sure they are not twisted, correcting any that need it at this point.
Beginning at the pointer finger, knit 5 rounds. I find it easiest to arrange my DPNs with 4 sts per needle after the second round.
Attaching Thumb
(Note: Hold the thumb horizontally and look at the four stitches. You will attach one stitch in the first round, then the two stitches that are adjacent to it in the second round, and then the final stitch in the third round, so you’ll attach it diagonally to the way you attached the fingers. Okay, ready? Here we go!)
Rnd 1: Knit one st from the thumb and then knit around. (17 sts)
Rnd 2: Knit the two sts that are adjacent to the one you already knitted, and then knit around. (19 sts)
Rnd 3: Knit the final st from the thumb and then knit around. (20 sts)
Rnds 4 and 5: Knit even.
Rnd 6: K1, ssk, k4, k2tog, k2, ssk, k4, k2tog, k1. (16 sts)
Rnd 7: K1, ssk, k2, k2tog, k2, ssk, k2, k2tog, k1. (12 sts)
Rnd 8: K1, ssk, k2tog, k2, ssk, k2tog, k1. (8 sts)
Cut a 12 inch (30.5cm) tail. Using the tapestry needle, feed it through the final 8 sts. Draw tight, tucking all your loose ends except this one and the ones on the fingertips up into the hand for padding. Tie off this end but leave it long.
Using the fingertip yarn ends, and beginning with the ring finger, bend the fingers into the appropriate position and tack them in place, using the photo or your own hand as reference. Then feed the yarn out the bottom of the hand, where the remaining tail is. When you have these 4 short tails from the pinky, ring finger, pointy and thumb out the bottom, pull them snug and tie them in a knot up close to the hand, making sure you don’t include the 12 inch tail in the knot. Then trim off the four tails below the knot and shove the knot back up into the hand. This will keep the fingers from coming loose.
Bookmark tail
Cut four 24 inch (61cm) pieces of yarn. Using your crochet hook, pull them through the base of the hand to the center of the yarn. Now you have nine 12 inch (30.5cm) tails hanging from the base of your hand. Divide into three groups of three, braid them, and tie a knot at the end.
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Edited by Edith Cummings and Rebecca Garcia
