Arachne's Weave
Arachne believed her weaving skillz were more mad than Athena herself, so they had ‘em a little contest. The lines of rectangular beads reminded me of something woven, but with more movement. I find myself playing with this bracelet all the time, spinning the beads, and feeling their smooth texture against my arm.
by Renée Rigdon
Boy Scout Drop Out
Click here for definitions of difficulty levels.
- 4 12" strings of 6x9mm rectangle beads
- 2 12" strands of rice-shaped beads
- Memory wire (enough to go around your wrist about 2.5 times)
- Round nose pliers
- 28 or 26 gauge wire
- Thin strip of leather
1. Cut two sections of memory wire, each about 1-2" longer than your wrist.
2. Grab the wire about an inch away from the end, and make a loop in the reverse direction of the curve of the wire on one end of each section of memory wire.
3. Place a rice bead onto each memory wire and snug it against the loop.
4. Cut a working length of the thin wire (I used about two feet at a time).
5. Make a wrapped very small loop with the thin wire, and place on one of the memory wire pieces against the rice bead.
6. Thread five rectangular beads onto the thin wire, then wrap the wire around the other piece of memory wire next to the rice bead.
7. Thread a rice bead through both the thin wire and the memory wire, and place it snug against the other rice bead and wrap.
8. Place a rice bead against the other wrap.
9. Continue in this method using the same thin wire until it gets to be too short to make another pass, then do a very small wrapped loop to secure. Continue with a new piece of wire.
To Finish: Repeat step 2, trim up any loose ends. Wear.
If on your first try at this bracelet you make it too short (like I did) you can lace leather or vinyl cord through the loops made by the memory wire.
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