by Heather "Danger" Hard
MoonPrincess RavenDark
Click here for definitions of difficulty levels.
- Knit Picks Wool of the Andes in Coal (MC)
- Lamb's Pride Worsted (for legs) in appropriate color (CC)
- Size 6 16-inch circular and size 6 double points.
4-stitches/ inch
Body: (Hat)
Cast on 72 stitches in MC, PM, and join for working in the round.
Knit in Knit 3, Purl 3 rib for one inch.
Switch to stockinette (K all stitches) for four rounds.
Next row: (Knit two stitches with scrap yarn, knit five with MC) 4 times. Knit 8. (Knit two with scrap yarn, knit five with MC) 4 times. Knit 8
Continue in stockinette stitch until hat is four inches from cast on edge Begin decreases as follows switching to double points when necessary:
1: (K7, K2TOG) 8 times
2 and all other even rows: Knit
3: (K6 K2TOG) 8 times
5: (K5, K2TOG) 8 times
7: (K4, K2tog) 8 times
9: (K3, K2TOG) 8 times
11: (K2, K2TOG) 8 times
13: (K1, K2 TOG) 8 times
15: (K2TOG) 8 Times
17: K2 TOG around, thread yarn on needle and pull through remaining stitches. Tying off with such a small number give hat a pointy butt appearance. Much like a spider’s pointy butt.
Pull scrap yarn out of first two stitches. Being sure to leave enough tail to weave in and cover the holes created by the pulled stitches, pick up bottom two stitches and top stitch before they run. Pick another stitch up in the hole created in the hat. You should have four stitches. Knit these in an I-cord for 3 inches pull yarn through stitches. Weave in ends and then pull tail of yarn through the I-cord. Using the tail left from picking up the I-cord, stitch gaps in the fabric closed. Weave in ends and pull remaining tail through the I-cord. Weave in remaining ends.
By pulling the two tails through the I-cord, it provides body without having to felt the spider or using another pointy object, as the model is very fond of shoving things in his eye. If you feel it necessary to make your legs posable, you may use a pipe cleaner run through the center of the I-cord. Add eyes of your choosing. Remember that spiders have eight eyes too. If desired add the red hourglass shape of a black widow or use brown tones, add a fiddle shape on the back for a brown recluse.
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