After yet another night's sleep was interrupted by the "Dash 'n Heave" of morning sickness, I turned to yarn for comfort. (Alcohol is off limits during pregnancy.) As I bemoaned the fact that I'd only been able to produce one skein of yarn before I ran out of wool to spin, the Yarn Pixies came to comfort me. After they commiserated over my stomach-churning and dehydrated state, they left this pattern to soothe my spirits as I waited for the prescription anti-nausea medication to kick in.
by Naomi Mackey
Suggested Reading
What to Expect When You're Expecting
by Heidi Murkoff, Arlene Eisenberg, and Sandee Hathaway
Suggested Refreshments
Ginger ale and soda crackers, followed by pickles.
MoonPrincess CoquetteDark
Click here for definitions of difficulty levels.
38" chest, designed to fit loosely.
Cocooned rough schematic (pdf format)
- Approximately 700 yards lace weight yarn; yarn A. (The sample garment used hand-dyed Knit Picks Merino Lace Weight Bare [100% merino wool; 880yds/805m per 3.5oz/100g skein].)
- Approximately 150 yards bulky weight yarn that is thick-and-thin in texture; yarn B. (Original yarn is handspun. Lion Brand Bolero [100% wool; 55yds/50m per 3.5oz/100g skein] or Colinette Point 5 [100% wool; 55yds/50m per 3.5oz/100g skein] would be acceptable substitutes.)
- US 13/9mm 24" circular needle
- US H/5mm crochet hook
- Tape measure
- 11 ½" diameter buttons
- Sewing needle
- Embroidery thread to match
20sts x 40 rows = 8"
To ensure accurate gauge, use clothespins to attach swatch to clothes hanger and measure it as it hangs down. (Gauge will appear much tighter when measured flat.)
Pattern Stitch:
Knit 8 rows with A.
Knit 2 rows with B.
Repeat these 10 rows for pattern.
Right Front:
With A, cast on 40 stitches using single-tail cast on. Knit in pattern for 4 inches.
Cast on 5 stitches at neck edge. Continue pattern as established for 5 inches, ending with row 9 of pattern sequence.
Right Armhole:
Beginning at neck edge, BO 18 stitches. Work in pattern stitch for 1 inch.
Beginning at bottom edge, BO 10 stitches.
On next row, work to end of row. CO 10 stitches. Continue in pattern for 1 inch, ending with row 9 of pattern. (Width of armhole is precisely one pattern repeat.)
Beginning at bottom edge, work to end of row.
CO 18 stitches. Continue pattern as established for 16 inches, ending with row 9 of pattern sequence.
Left armhole:
Beginning at neck edge, BO 18 stitches. Work in pattern stitch for 1 inch.
Beginning at bottom edge, BO 10 stitches.
On next row, work to end of row. CO 10 stitches. Continue in pattern for 1 inch, ending with row 9 of pattern sequence.
Left Front:
Beginning at bottom edge, work to end of row. CO 18 stitches. Work in pattern as established for 5 inches.
Beginning at neck edge, BO 5 stitches. Knit in pattern for 4 inches. BO very loosely.
Sleeves (make two)
With A, CO 45 stitches. Knit in pattern for six pattern repeats. Knit 8 rows with lace weight yarn. BO very loosely.
Using A, sew both shoulder seams. (Double crochet may also be used.) Sew in sleeves, taking care to center them.
Using B and beginning at right front, single crochet around neckline. Then, double crochet around body of sweater, adding two buttonholes to each side vent.
Double crochet up right front, making seven evenly spaced buttonholes. Break yarn.
With B, double crochet around cuff of each sleeve. Work in ends. Sew on buttons.
Wrap yourself up! (And try not to get vomit on it.)
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