art by Philip Castlen
Letter from the Editrix
If anyone is interested in what the hell we're doing, this would be the thing to read
(P.S. It updates every issue!)
May You Be in Heaven a Full Half Hour Before the Devil Knows You're Dead
So as I'm an artist, I like to drink. As an artist during a recession, however, I am also dirt-poor. But, as fortune would have it, I have landed the perfect job for any starving artist: I'm a bartender.
Firewater Paint With Me
Years ago, when I was first starting in art school, there was an article in the local newspaper's Sunday arts magazine that caught my eye and attention. I was left with an indelible impression of creativity and originality.
Project Details
Click here for definitions of difficulty levels.
Spiced Spectre
Here lies a rose to make all the kings jealous.
Hootchie Cozies
MoonPrincess RavenDark
Cozying the world, one item at a time.
Bottle Short of a Six Pack
You'll be tickled to be pickled.
Visual Proof
Drunken Bob Ross Wannabe
Friends should let friends drink and paint.
Terpon's Cup
Bottle Short of a Six Pack
She's got it. Yeah, baby, she's got it.
Boy Scout Dropout
Maybe you should exercise some. Or maybe not...
Hoist By Your Own Picard
Take the bridge while I get hammered, Number One.
"But you and me, we're Caribbean."
Brainfreeze Tribute
This is not the greatest drink in the world, this is just a tribute.
Flask Jacket
Scoutmaster Euclid
Suit up!
Virgin Sacrifice
Burnin' Bacon
You knew we'd be having one eventually, right?
Yule Surprise: Obey Santa
Rrrrgh . . . . Brains . . . .
Yet more ways to frighten children during the holiday season.